Selected decisions adopted by the Resolution Council
The Resolution Council, in accordance with the Act on resolution in the financial market, publishes certain decisions it has adopted, for example:
- decisions on the commencement of resolution proceedings;
- decisions on the application of the resolution tool of asset transfer, or decisions on the imposition of certain measures (including information about the appeal procedure).
As regards its decisions on remedial measures and fines, the Council publishes information on mainly the following:
- the type of remedial measure and fine imposed;
- the nature of the violation;
- the business name, registered office, and company identification number of the bank or branch of a foreign bank;
- the first name, last name and address of permanent residence of the person, or the business name, registered office and identification number of the legal entity, on whom or which the remedial measure or fine was imposed.
The Council has not as yet published any definitive decisions.
Simplified outline of the activities of the Council